Monday, March 5, 2007

How to Ace Your Job Interview: 88 Surefire Tips and Tricks

The Online Education Database recently served up a detailed job prep article to help job-seekers cover their bases (interview prep).

Although I don't like using the words "Job Interview" and "Tricks" in the same post title (interview preparation is all about hard work and practice - not tricks), I couldn't find a single trick in the entire article.

The article is rather long, but I do recommend it for those fairly new to the job hunt trail. Click HERE to read the article in it's entirety (all 88 tips).

Here's an abbreviated version which includes a few of my faves (by the way, if you put in the time - practice - hard work and you still don't ace the interview, let me know. I'll send you my lucky pink socks):

#1 - Practice your writing skills. In today's Internet-oriented world, good communication skills are crucial. Technical writing and documentation seems to be a weak point for many new grads.

#2 - Stay updated. Read and subscribe to relevant weblogs, magazines, and newspapers. Use web feed subscription tools like Bloglines or Newsgator Online Edition.

#4 - Start a blog. Demonstrate your knowledge of a topic related to a field you'd like to be employed in by writing a blog and mentioning it in your resume.

#11 - Don't lie on your resume. It's not a novel. Mention skills you're capable of. Say "learning such and such" for everything else.

#29 - Try networking. Career networking websites such as LinkedIn or JibberJobber can go a long way toward helping you find a job.

#49 - Be prepared. Know where you're supposed to go. Check their Web site, and call in if you have to. (My favorite mantra begs to be repeated here: There is no substitute for preparation).

#59 - Make a good first impression and maintain it. Mirroring is a powerful technique if used subtly, no matter the interviewer's mood.

#61 - Be succinct. Don't be a Chatty Cathy; don't tell your life story. Give a bit of detail instead of just "yes" and "no".

#79 - Remember what it's about. Think "what's in it for them", not just "what's in it for me". Both parties have to benefit.

#84 - Say thank you. Thank the interviewer and the receptionist - be genuine. (do not forget the "thank you" letter/card - I don't care what the so-called experts have to say about this).

#87 - Keep an interview log. It'll help you track the state of each application (sent application, pending interview, interview complete, followed up, rejected, etc.). Include dates.

1 comment:

JibberJobber Guy said...

Dennis, thanks for the shout-out on JibberJobber :) Here is where JibberJobber fits into the other fav's you've highlighted:

- #2 Stay Updated - my blogroll is divided into sections where resume writers, coaches, recruiters, etc. write. Its essential to keep updated and know what these different experts (and fields) think and know!

- #29 Try networking - JibberJobber is a personal relationshiop management tool - privately keep track of each of your relationships... definitely use networking tools like LinkedIn, offline meetings, etc. And use JibberJobber to keep it all straight! Um, ya, its even free.

- #49 Be prepared - Showing up late for interviews? Might as well not go. Put your target company in JibberJobber and then use the cool GoogleMaps interface to get directions before you go. Sure you can go to Googlemaps on your own but if you use JibberJobber you will be able to get directions to all of your target companies.

- #61 Be succinct - I hate practicing but it is key. Put your elevator pitches (yes, you should have more than one), responses to questions and other interview prep in JibberJobber. Then, when its time for an interview print them out and prepare, even in your car in the company's parking lot!

- #84 Say Thank You - JibberJobber allows you to track each job, interview date, and thank you letter date. If you haven't sent a thank you letter it will be obvious.

- #87 Keep an interview log - This is absolutely what JibberJobber is about. I wouldn't have thought I needed this... but once I hit over 100 companies and job applications, it really gets confusing. Ditch the notebook or Excel spreadsheet - JibberJobber's free tools are way more functional and geared directy at this stuff.

Cool stuff, eh?

Jason Alba
CEO, JibberJobber